1st Bucket Test   (To determine if water loss is due to evaporation or a leak) 

Fill pool to normal operating level, between 1/2 and 2/3 up the skimmer.

Fill bucket and place on step in pool.

Mark level in pool and bucket.

Operate pool as when initial loss was noted.

Measure water levels in bucket and pool after 24 hours.

If pool loss > bucket loss there is a leak.

2nd Pump on/Pump off Test (A good indication of what part of the pool is leaking) 

Fill pool to normal operating level, between 1/2 and 2/3 up the skimmer. Mark level of skimmer with a piece of tape.

Run pool for 24 hours, measure the water loss and record it.

Fill pool to same level as #1 and mark with tape again.

Leave system off for 24 hours, measure water loss and record it.

Compare results of bucket test done while pump is running to result when the pump is off. If necessary, isolate individual flow systems (for example spa only, vacuum lines only, waterfall lines, etc...).


Possible Outcomes

Water loss is less than 1/4": Could be evaporation, especially if water is warm and air is cool at night.

Pump On Loss Is Greater Than Pump Off Loss---------->   Suspect pressure side plumbing (ie. return jets).

Pump Off Loss Is Greater Than Pump On Loss ---------->  Suspect suction side plumbing (ie. skimmers, main drain).

Pump On Loss Is The Same As Pump Off Loss ---------->  Suspect pool shell, liner, light or fittings.